The View from the Chair – May 2017

At the Lodge meeting on 10 May we had a fraternal visit by a number of brethren from Fortescue Lodge (No. 847) from Honiton together with a number of other visitors.  We enjoyed a very interesting explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board which our entered apprentices seemed to learn much from followed by an informative Mentor’s Moment, which we hope will be the first of many, to enlighten us on various aspects of freemasonry. 

 During May the Worshipful Master has had the pleasure of visiting Old Helean Lodge (No. 6797) where one of the brethren gave a very informative talk about his work with the Military Police and to St Andrews Lodge (No. 4097) in Uffculme where he enjoyed a very well performed third degree ceremony and at the festive board he replied on behalf of the visitors. 

 Brethren of St Thomas visited Miles Coverdale Lodge in Paignton (No. 5069: as a fraternal visit. Unfortunately the Worshipful Master couldn’t make it due to other commitments but the  8 brethren who attended had a most enjoyable time. The ceremony was an enactment as the candidate had to cry off due to work commitments. The step-in candidate was very good as was the Senior Deacon who took him round in a most confident manner. Afterward the festive board was held at Redcliff Hotel ( ) where W.Bro Walsom replied on behalf of the visitors.  We look forward to seeing the Brethren from Miles Coverdale at St Thomas in October when we will be having a third degree ceremony

The view from the Chair

W Bro Tim Caldwell was installed as Master on 8 February by the outgoing Master, W Bro Alan Bigwood.

Since his installation he has enjoyed attending a first degree at Lopes in March and Semper Fidelis in April where one of the brethren gave a very informative explanation of the Master Mason’s apron. He also attended the annual Provincial meeting at the English Riviera Centre, at which one of the St Thomas was awarded Provincial office and another promoted.

The Worshipful Master conducted his first ceremony on 8 March to initiate a new member and this was followed on 12 April by the initiation of another new member. We hope the new brethren will enjoy their journey through freemasonry and will spend many happy years with St Thomas.

A few dates for the diary:-

Cadogan Court Summer Fete on Saturday 17 June

As usual, St Thomas Lodge will be supporting this event and will be running the bar. Any brethren who would like to help, either with the bar or in any other way, should speak to W Bro Gary Hunter

Exeter Brewery Tour on 28 July

Curry Night at Gandy Street on 15 September

Ladies’ Lunch

Following the success of the last few years it is planned to hold another Ladies’ lunch at the Langstone Cliff Hotel, Dawlish on 22 October.

Ladies’ Night

This will be held on 27 January 2018 at Reed Hall, Exeter University and we hope that the brethren will support the Worshipful Master at this event. After the meal there will be music for those who would like to dance off the calories they have just eaten but equally there will be plenty of quiet areas for those who would prefer to talk.

More details of all these events will follow.

We would like to keep the website updated regularly but that depends on people letting us know what is happening. If you have any items which would be of interest to the brethren or have attended or planned any events you would like shared on this website please email details to