After the summer break it was good to see the brethren at our lodge meeting on 13th September. W Bro Robertson gave an excellent explanation of the second degree tracing board which was appreciated by all the brethren. Afterwards we enjoyed the company of our guests at the festive board.
On 14th September the WM and his wife, along with a number of other brethren from St Thomas and their wives and partners, attended Lopes Lodge (No. 5526) Ladies’ Night at the Southgate Hotel. The delicious meal and excellent company made a very enjoyable evening and our thanks go to the Worshipful Master and his lady wife.
It was a busy week as the 15th September was the date of our curry night at Gandy Street which was well attended by brethren and a number of guests. After the meal we opened the temple and the guests were invited to look around and ask the brethren any questions they may have. Some were interested as potential members, others simply to know a little more about freemasonry and I hope we managed to dispel some myths.
This week has been a little quieter on the masonic front but the WM and his wife attended the Provincial Tercentenary Dinner at Sandy Park on 22nd September. This was well attended by brethren from St Thomas and from across the Province with their wives, partners and guests. During the excellent meal there was a short musical interlude with Paula Mitchell. After the meal and a short speech by the Provincial Grand Master we were entertained by Mel Mellers, a very funny stand-up comedy magician, followed by a disco. Thanks must go to Team 300, who organised the event, for a superb evening.