As usual January’s meeting was our business night. Thank you to the brethren who attended for what is an important night in the lodge calendar. The master elect was proposed and approved for installation in February.
All posts by Charles
The View from the Chair – December 2017
In keeping with St Thomas tradition our December meeting was a lecture. Thanks to the question masters and the many brethren who took part. It was a pleasure to see so many visitors in attendance enjoying the lecture and joining us afterwards at the festive board.
The View from the Chair – November 2017
On 8th November we had another third degree ceremony of the year so both of this year’s candidates are now master masons. A number of visitors were in attendance, including a brother who is visiting the UK from Brazil and who enjoyed the evening so much he hopes to join us again in the future. Many thanks to all those brethren involved in the ceremony.
On 16th November the WM, along with other brethren from St Thomas, had the pleasure of attending Miles Coverdale Lodge, Paignton for their installation ceremony which took place at the Redcliffe Hotel, Paignton. It was a wonderful evening in the company of Miles Coverdale and all of their visitors, including representatives from the Province.
Ladies Lunch
On Sunday, 22nd October, we held Ladies’ Lunch at the Langstone Cliff Hotel. It was unfortunate that this year the date clashed with another popular event so we had a few less people than normal but that didn’t stop it being a very enjoyable occasion. As usual it was a fairly informal gathering and those who attended enjoyed the good food and good company.
Thanks to everyone at the Langstone Cliff for looking after us so well and providing an excellent meal.
Cadogan Court
On Saturday 14th October a number of brethren from St Thomas attended Cadogan Court for our annual extraordinary meeting at which we were joined by brethren who now reside there. It is hard to believe this was the 32nd year we have held a meeting there.

For some of the residents this is one of the rare opportunities to attend a lodge meeting and it is clear how much they enjoy these occasions.
The ceremony was a continuation of last year’s explanation of words used in freemasonry, which was very informative and well presented.

After the meeting Cadogan Court kindly provided refreshments and we spent some time enjoying the company of the brethren and other residents.
The View from the Chair – October 2017
Our Lodge meeting on 11th October saw the raising of the first of our two candidates this year.
The ceremony was well performed by all concerned and was attended by a large number of visitors, including a fraternal visit by the WM and other brethren from Miles Coverdale Lodge, Paignton (No. 5069).
The festive board gave the usual opportunity to relax and enjoy the company of the brethren.
The view from the chair- September 2017
After the summer break it was good to see the brethren at our lodge meeting on 13th September. W Bro Robertson gave an excellent explanation of the second degree tracing board which was appreciated by all the brethren. Afterwards we enjoyed the company of our guests at the festive board.
On 14th September the WM and his wife, along with a number of other brethren from St Thomas and their wives and partners, attended Lopes Lodge (No. 5526) Ladies’ Night at the Southgate Hotel. The delicious meal and excellent company made a very enjoyable evening and our thanks go to the Worshipful Master and his lady wife.
It was a busy week as the 15th September was the date of our curry night at Gandy Street which was well attended by brethren and a number of guests. After the meal we opened the temple and the guests were invited to look around and ask the brethren any questions they may have. Some were interested as potential members, others simply to know a little more about freemasonry and I hope we managed to dispel some myths.
This week has been a little quieter on the masonic front but the WM and his wife attended the Provincial Tercentenary Dinner at Sandy Park on 22nd September. This was well attended by brethren from St Thomas and from across the Province with their wives, partners and guests. During the excellent meal there was a short musical interlude with Paula Mitchell. After the meal and a short speech by the Provincial Grand Master we were entertained by Mel Mellers, a very funny stand-up comedy magician, followed by a disco. Thanks must go to Team 300, who organised the event, for a superb evening.
Welcome Back
Welcome back after the summer break. Unfortunately the great British weather during August has been predictably unpredictable but we hope the brethren have enjoyed the break regardless.
August is traditionally a quiet month but on 1st August the WM along with a number of St Thomas brethren made a fraternal visit to Fortescue Lodge, Honiton (No. 847). We witnessed a very well conducted first degree ceremony and had a most enjoyable meal at the festive board afterwards. Thanks to all at Fortescue Lodge for the warm welcome we received.
The next meeting of the General Purposes Committee will be held in Gandy Street at 6.30pm on Thursday, 7th September and this will be followed by a rehearsal. Our Lodge meeting on the 13th September will include an explanation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board.
In addition to our regular Lodge night in October we are also holding an extraordinary meeting at Cadogan Court on Saturday 14th October at 3pm. This meeting is always much appreciated by the brethren residing at Cadogan Court who are unable to attend regular lodge meetings so we hope this will be well attended by the St Thomas brethren.
Are you coming to this year’s curry night? This is being held in Gandy Street at 7.30pm on 15th September and we are hoping it will be as much of a success as last year’s event. Tickets are £15 each and are selling fast so please contact W Bro Rodney Walsom ( to book your place. All welcome.
As a reminder we are holding a Ladies’ lunch at the Langstone Cliff Hotel at Dawlish Warren on 22nd October and Ladies’ Night at Reed Hall, Exeter University on 27th January. Further details of these two events will follow shortly.
Curry night
St Thomas Lodge are holding a curry night at Gandy Street on 15th September. There will be an “all you can eat” buffet with vegetarian and non Indian alternatives available. Friends and family are welcome. Last year’s curry night was a very enjoyable evening so please support this year’s event.
Tickets are £15.00 each and are available from W.Bro Rodney Walsom . All proceeds will go to St Thomas charities.
The view from the Chair – July 2017
On Monday 10th July the WM attended Sun Lodge in Exmouth (No. 106) with W Bros Rodney Walsom and Viv Carton. The ceremony, which was a 2nd degree passing, was well performed by the officers and candidate. The Festive Board afterwards was very enjoyable and it was good to catch up with some old acquaintances and to meet new people.
Our lodge meeting held on 12th July was also a second degree. Both of this year’s candidates are now fellow crafts. The ceremony was very well conducted so many thanks to all brethren who took part, helping to make it a memorable night for our candidate. It was good to have a large number of visitors and we hope they enjoyed the evening and will visit us again soon.
At the festive board the WM said that it had been a busy week but he had found time during the previous weekend to get married. Thank you to all the brethren who gave their good wishes.