All posts by Charles

Cadogan Court Fair

Every year Cadogan Court have there annual fair. Stores are provided by lodges through out the South West from the counties of Devon Cornwall and Somerset.  As usual St Thomas lodge hosted the bar…. (were not stupid) and we raised nearly £800 to help out Cadogan Court.

If you have never been before it is a worth while tip to spend a lovely afternoon seeing friends etc.

Below is some of the pictures taken by are own Worshipful Brother Steve Rupp.


The St Thomas Bar Staff
non alcohol
Must have been a mistake… a NON alcohol drink!!!!
chief washer up
More washing up !!!
Worshipful Master Viv Carton and Kath his wife.








wideyedst reob
W. Bro Steve Robertson trying to get served!!



Viv trevor
W.Bro Trevor Ching



W. Bro Viv Carton and W. Bro Steve Robertson








Wondering if the beer is ok! It may make beards go purple!


Yep sure does!











sean 5
W. Bro has only had 4 pints so far!


only 1
Every one else has had ….ummmm! More than Sean.



i agree rod viv
Gossiping probably. W.Bro Rod Walsom and W. Master



W.Bro Steve Rupp Lodge photographer.










W. Brother Frank Lewis.



chief wiper
Chief washer upper and assistant.


bar organiser
W. Brother Gary Hunter who contributed to the bar sponsorship from Hunter Urology.




trevfrank mrs rup


staff kev on phone




serious meeting


selling memglong


rod gary viv














bar staff1




Feb -April News

Most years St Thomas Lodge has two initiations and this year was no exception. In March and in April the new candidates were welcomed into the world of Freemasonry and in particular the St Thomas Lodge.

The first ceremony was conducted by the Worshipful Master and the second was conducted by the Immediate Past Master Worshipful Brother Kevin Green. He asked the WM if he could perform the ceremony as he had proposed the candidate, who is a personal friend of his.

The new Charity Steward gave his maiden request for the Brethren to donate what they can afford to the Charity box so that when a request by a local charity arrived enough funds would be available to hopefully entertain their request.

In April we were honoured to have as a visitor W Bro D G Webber P Asst P G M

and a Fraternal visit from Miles Coverdale Lodge No 5069 who reside in Paignton.

When the Lodge was opened the WM asked the Brethren to stand and observe a minutes silence in remembrance of V W Bro John Annear P. G. Swd. B. Past Deputy P. G. M .who had passed to the Grand Lodge above.

Other news:

The annual Hog Roast has been confirmed and details will be sent out shortly.

In May at our monthly meeting there will be an Explanation of the 1st Degree Tracing Board.

The Worshipful Master has been visiting many lodges over the last couple of months representing St Thomas. Click here for details.

Lodges visited by the Worshipful Master

The Worshipful Master does enjoy visiting other lodges and in the last few months he has visited 18 (see list below)

Lodge of St. Peters in Exeter No 5806
Northcote Lodge No 3102
The Davie Lodge No 3721
St. John The Baptist Lodge No 39
Lodge Concordia No 3102

Excester 6228
Sun 106
St. Margarets 6128
Northcote 2659
Devonian Lodge of Installed Masters 9349
John The Baptist 39

Old Exonian 9000
Provincial Grand Lodge – Torquay
Bishop Surtees Lodge 8497
Lodge of St. Peters in Exeter 5806
St. Andrews 4097
St. Georges 112
​Lodge of Union 444​

Diary for 2015 St Thomas Lodge

Below is the Diary for this year at St Thomas Lodge. If anyone wishes to attend your very welcome. Please use contact page to inform the secretary.

There are always changes so please do come back often.

Most Mondays, for those involved there will be rehearsals which will either be held in Gandy Street or the  W. M house.

Check with WM for details.



Gp meeting to be held 6 30 pm 5th February

Lodge meeting 4 15 pm 11th February



G P meeting Thursday 5th March 6 30 pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 11th March 6 30 pm



G P meeting Thursday 2nd April 6 30 pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 8th April 6 30 pm



G P meeting Thursday 7th May 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 13th May  White table evening. Bring friends and potential candidates. More details to follow.


G P meeting Thursday 4th June 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 10th June


Cadogan Court fete. Details to follow



G P meeting Thursday 2nd July 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 8th July 6 30 pm


Annual Hog roast to be held again at Den Ardens farm. More details to follow

August   No meetings this month. Holiday month have a good time!


G P meeting Thursday 3rd September 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 9th September 6 30pm

2nd degree tracing board


G P meeting Thursday 8th October  6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 14th October 6 30 pm


Cadogan Court annual meeting details to follow



G P meeting Thursday 5th November 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 11th November 6 30 pm


Ladies Lunch details to follow


G P meeting Thursday 3rd December 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 9th December 6 30 pm

Christmas Lecture.

Christmas Lunch 18th December details to follow.

January 2016

G P meeting Thursday 7th January 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 13th January 6 30 pm

 Domestic night.

Summary of 2014 /15 for the Worshipful Master.

Worshipful Master Kevin Green has had a very successful and wonderful packed year as W.M.   kevin

In February 2014 he was installed as Master by W. Bro  Frank Lewis in a ceremony that, due to W.Bro Lewis’ high standard of ritual, went without one prompt.

In March the first of two candidates was initiated to a very high standard by the new W. Master as well as the supporting Brethren,

April saw the initiation of our second candidate and again a very high standard ritual was performed by all.

In May we had the First degree tracing board: well done to W Bro Gerald Sclater. (How do some brethren learn such long pieces?)

The Worship Master with the support of the Lodge’s Mentor, W. Bro Gary Hunter, organised a “White Table “ evening.

The idea being to hold a dinner for members and friends who may be interested in joining Freemasonry.

A very successful night; in particular many of the guests enjoyed a conducted tour of the Temple by W.Bro Mike Saffin, so much so that one of the guests is joining us in April.

In June the first candidate went through to become a Fellow Craft and what an excellent candidate he is. The ritual, including the full length 2nd Degree working tools.

July saw our second candidate become a Fellow Craft with the long version of the working tools done by W.Bro R Walsom, who is not known for his ritual, but nevertheless did a very good job in the recital of this difficult piece.

The Worshipful Master also had a Hog Roast to which nearly 100 people turned up to enjoy a freshly roasted Hog. All money raised went to Age Concern Dementia department which was over £100

We don’t meet in August and so in September when we met again we were treated to an explanation of the 2nd Degree tracing board.

October saw the first of two third degrees performed and on this occasion it was the short ending version which again the Brethren performed to a very high standard and should be very proud of the fact.

On the 18th October St Thomas Lodge had special dispensation to hold a meeting at Cadogan Court. This is a Masonic retirement home in Exeter. St Thomas has held a meeting here specially for the residents since 1986. The Brethren who reside here cannot get out and about like they used to so we go to them.

The Brethren received sad news in November that our second candidate had decided not to continue for personal reasons. So a regular visitor to our lodge offered to stand in. This was eagerly accepted as the Brethren had spent many hours rehearsing this long close 3rd degree. Its great when everything come together and the Brethren and Worshipful Master hardly had one prompt.

The Ladies lunch was held at the Langstone Cliff Hotel Dawlish where 60 brethren, wives and friends had a set meal which, as always, was very good. The Langstone is a great place to have functions for the day time or the evening. You never have to order your meal up front!!

December St Thomas has a lecture which all members of the lodge are invited to take part. It is a 7 year cycle and this year we had the first 3 sections of the First Lecture.

January is St Thomas Lodge’s domestic night where we ballot new members (2) and any other general business is conducted. Traditionally this meeting does not have any visitors

February is our big month of the year as a new Worshipful Master is installed into office.

The ceremony is mainly conducted by the outgoing Master.  W. Bro Kevin Green who has to learn 14 A4 sides of ritual, a mammoth piece by anyone’s standards. But as we have now come to expect W. Bro Green was just about word perfect and conducted the ceremony to a very high standard indeed.

The new Worship Master is W. Bro Viv Carton. He has been in the chair before and due to a gap has very kindly stepped in for this next year.

We wish him well and look forward to his program for the year.

January 2015

On the 14th January we held our domestic night. The Worshipful Master’s last complete meeting before the Installation of the new master in February.

The evening started by ahve a lodge photo. Many of the Brethren could not make it for this photo shoot which was a shame but the common reason being flu / bad colds etc it was nice to see the number who did come along.

Exeter Masons


The meeting proceeded with a ballot for two new candidates who were excepted by the Brethren of St Thomas. These new Brethren will be initiated in March and April 2015.

After the meeting the Brethren enjoyed a traditional mixed grill at the Festive Board. The Worshipful Master thanked every one who had supported and helped him during the previous year and wished W. Bro Viv Carton all the best for becoming WM next month.

He looked forward to see those who were coming to the Ladies night on 24th and there guests.

The Ladies night has sold out.

St Thomas Lodge Visits in October

In October the Brethren did go to the following Lodges:

Worshipful Master went to Exeter school to attend Exonian Lodge


W.Bro Gary Hunter went to New Zealand and was a guest at Gregorys Lodge for a initiation.  gary in NZ gregory lodge


He also went to  Lodge in Spain supported by W.Bro Viv Carton and Bro.s Gerald Sclater and Den Arden. 10744669_10205085209995388_1665413114_n

St Thomas Lodge 25th Anniversary at Cadogan Court 2014

Cadogan Court 18th October 2014

Every year for the last 25 years St Thomas lodge members hold a Extraordinary Lodge meeting at Cadogan Court for the Masons who are resident there. (See why it started )
This year was no exception and so with members of St Thomas Brethren plus 12 residents had a Extraordinary Lodge meeting.
For the first time Brethren from Cadogan Court took part,

2014-10-18 15.56.42 WM Frank Wakeley from The Progressive Science Lodge 5007 Yeovil as Junior Warden and WB Norman Wilkins from the Vigilance Lodge 4952 Manchester as Senior Warden.2014-10-18 15.57.04
We were also privileged to have the Very Worshipful Brother P R Peter Gault Provincial Grand Master in attendance.
2014-10-18 16.00.53The Worshipful Master opened the lodge at 3pm and unfortunately had to start the proceedings by announcing that W Bro Malcolm Martin had gone to the Grand Lodge above. W Bro Martin had been in attendance every year since he had become a resident at Cadogan Court Road he was truly missed this year as I’m sure he will be at his Mother Lodge, Forest Lodge 1852 Nottingham.
WB Mike Saffin P.G.Std.B then proceeded to give us a lecture……or as he described it “A Observation of Freemasonry”
What a very interesting “Observation” it was and to sum up what he said he gave us the following poem which was written many years ago and found written in the plaster of an old Masonic Hall.
What then is Masonry?
If I could answer I believe it would say
I am rooted in the midst of great Antiquity and point to God and Eternity.
I am the Past the Present and the future
I belong to the ages, I circle the globe and I stand at the crosswords of the world.
I am steeped in tradition and traced in the pages of history;
I have rites and words which have beauty, symmetry and rhythm;
I have knowledge wisdom and secrets locked in my bosom which
I give to men who come to me desiring me in their hearts;
I place upon my alters Holy Writ and turn to the Deity in prayer;
I hold a Square and Compass in my hand and contemplate
a line from Earth to Heaven
I speculate with all the tools of operative Masons and
I translate their use into moral values and spiritual building
I await all free men of lawful age and good report but solicit none
I admit them of their own free will and accord and teach them Brotherhood and Unity.
I make builders of men of those who are willing and give them my tools that they may work;
I stoop to raise the fallen brethren and cast cut the unworthy;
I walk in the way of Charity and travel the road of Peace and Harmony
I render aid to the poor, the sick and the distressed;
I render the cry of the widow and sustain the orphan and the aged,
commit to the brethren who travel to that Undiscovered Country;
I ponder in that moment on the ravages of time as I stand at the doors of Eternity;
I am a Way of Life that teaches Immortality;
I raise men from Darkness to light.

After the meeting was closed the Brethren enjoyed a nice cup of tea with lovely cake (made by the Cadogan Chef) with the residents and Brethren of Cadogan Court.

2014-10-18 16.01.58WB Mike Saffin with W M Kevin Green

The Brethren of St Thomas were thanked by W Bro David Richards for taking the time to have this Extraordinary Lodge meeting at Cadogan Court and looked forward to seeing St Thomas lodge again next year. As we are!

Gandy Street Christmas Lunch

Gandy Street Christmas Lunch

On previous years W Bro Ron Studley organised a Christmas Lodge Lunch.
As he is no longer with us and as I thought it would be a shame if it did not continue so I have arranged for this tradition to continue.

This years Gandy Street Christmas lunch will be held at Gandy Street on Friday 19th December 2014




40 seats have now been sold!!!


As of Friday 31st October this has sold out!