Every year Cadogan Court have there annual fair. Stores are provided by lodges through out the South West from the counties of Devon Cornwall and Somerset. As usual St Thomas lodge hosted the bar…. (were not stupid) and we raised nearly £800 to help out Cadogan Court.
If you have never been before it is a worth while tip to spend a lovely afternoon seeing friends etc.
Below is some of the pictures taken by are own Worshipful Brother Steve Rupp.
The St Thomas Bar StaffMust have been a mistake… a NON alcohol drink!!!!More washing up !!!Worshipful Master Viv Carton and Kath his wife.
W. Bro Steve Robertson trying to get served!!
W.Bro Trevor Ching
W. Bro Viv Carton and W. Bro Steve Robertson
Wondering if the beer is ok! It may make beards go purple!
Yep sure does!
W. Bro has only had 4 pints so far!
Every one else has had ….ummmm! More than Sean.
Gossiping probably. W.Bro Rod Walsom and W. Master
W.Bro Steve Rupp Lodge photographer.
W. Brother Frank Lewis.
Chief washer upper and assistant.
W. Brother Gary Hunter who contributed to the bar sponsorship from Hunter Urology.