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The view from the Chair – June 2017

June’s lodge night saw the first of this year’s candidates become a Fellowcraft.  Thanks to all the officers and other brethren who took part in ensuring the ceremony ran smoothly and the candidate answered his questions well with no prompting.  The WM and officers were praised for the excellent ritual.  It was good to see a large number of visitors, old and new, in attendance, with a total of almost 50 brethren at the festive board.  I hope our visitors enjoyed their time with us and will come back again soon.

On Saturday, 17 June, after spending much of the day at Cadogan Court’s annual Summer Fair, the WM and a few other brethren from St Thomas with their partners attended a Salmon and Strawberries Charity evening arranged by Lopes Lodge (No. 5526) held at the home of Lopes’ WM.  It was a very enjoyable evening with excellent food and great company and raised a large sum to be split between Lopes Lodge’s charity fund and Devon Freewheelers.  Many thanks to Denis and Harlene and “Team Arden” for their hospitality.


St Thomas Masons donate Spirometer to Bolham Ward in memory of Patrick

Patients on Bolham Ward at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital are set to benefit from a new mobile machine to measure lung function thanks to a £500 donation by the St Thomas Masonic Lodge.
The Lodge made the donation after being made aware of the efforts of Barbara and David Tilbury, who have been fundraising for the Bolham Ward Trust Fund over the last year in memory of their son Patrick who sadly passed away in 2016.
St Thomas Lodge Worshipful Master Tim Caldwell, said: “We were made aware of the Tilbury’s appeal by Occupational Therapist Sarah Lonton.  At the time, they were fundraising for reclining chairs for the ward, however these have since been purchased and we are more than happy for the ward to use our donation for anything else that would be of most use.”
The new machine, a digital Spirometer, is used to record how well a patient’s lungs are working by measuring how much air is being inhaled and exhaled. It is used on the neurological ward to regularly monitor patients with degenerative conditions such as motor neuron disease or myasthenia gravis, which can cause difficulties breathing.
The hand-held Spirometer replaces a large and cumbersome mechanical spirometer, which was difficult and unwieldy for some patients to use.
Bolham Ward Matron Anny Willett, explained: “The small and compact electronic spirometer which we have been able to purchase with the Lodge’s very generous donation will be more accurate and much easier for both patients and staff to use. I would like to convey the thanks of the patients and staff of Bolham ward to the St Thomas Lodge and its members and to Mr and Mrs Tilbury for making this donation happen.”
Barbara Tilbury added: “I would personally like to thank the St. Thomas Masonic Lodge, for their generosity in helping me with this appeal, especially their Charity Steward for all of his help – I know what a difference it will make to Anny and her team to have their own instrument.”

The View from the Chair – May 2017

At the Lodge meeting on 10 May we had a fraternal visit by a number of brethren from Fortescue Lodge (No. 847) from Honiton together with a number of other visitors.  We enjoyed a very interesting explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board which our entered apprentices seemed to learn much from followed by an informative Mentor’s Moment, which we hope will be the first of many, to enlighten us on various aspects of freemasonry. 

 During May the Worshipful Master has had the pleasure of visiting Old Helean Lodge (No. 6797) where one of the brethren gave a very informative talk about his work with the Military Police and to St Andrews Lodge (No. 4097) in Uffculme where he enjoyed a very well performed third degree ceremony and at the festive board he replied on behalf of the visitors. 

 Brethren of St Thomas visited Miles Coverdale Lodge in Paignton (No. 5069: as a fraternal visit. Unfortunately the Worshipful Master couldn’t make it due to other commitments but the  8 brethren who attended had a most enjoyable time. The ceremony was an enactment as the candidate had to cry off due to work commitments. The step-in candidate was very good as was the Senior Deacon who took him round in a most confident manner. Afterward the festive board was held at Redcliff Hotel ( ) where W.Bro Walsom replied on behalf of the visitors.  We look forward to seeing the Brethren from Miles Coverdale at St Thomas in October when we will be having a third degree ceremony

The view from the Chair

W Bro Tim Caldwell was installed as Master on 8 February by the outgoing Master, W Bro Alan Bigwood.

Since his installation he has enjoyed attending a first degree at Lopes in March and Semper Fidelis in April where one of the brethren gave a very informative explanation of the Master Mason’s apron. He also attended the annual Provincial meeting at the English Riviera Centre, at which one of the St Thomas was awarded Provincial office and another promoted.

The Worshipful Master conducted his first ceremony on 8 March to initiate a new member and this was followed on 12 April by the initiation of another new member. We hope the new brethren will enjoy their journey through freemasonry and will spend many happy years with St Thomas.

A few dates for the diary:-

Cadogan Court Summer Fete on Saturday 17 June

As usual, St Thomas Lodge will be supporting this event and will be running the bar. Any brethren who would like to help, either with the bar or in any other way, should speak to W Bro Gary Hunter

Exeter Brewery Tour on 28 July

Curry Night at Gandy Street on 15 September

Ladies’ Lunch

Following the success of the last few years it is planned to hold another Ladies’ lunch at the Langstone Cliff Hotel, Dawlish on 22 October.

Ladies’ Night

This will be held on 27 January 2018 at Reed Hall, Exeter University and we hope that the brethren will support the Worshipful Master at this event. After the meal there will be music for those who would like to dance off the calories they have just eaten but equally there will be plenty of quiet areas for those who would prefer to talk.

More details of all these events will follow.

We would like to keep the website updated regularly but that depends on people letting us know what is happening. If you have any items which would be of interest to the brethren or have attended or planned any events you would like shared on this website please email details to

Worshipful Master Viv Carton


Worshipfu  Master Viv Carton

On Wednesday 10 February St Thomas Lodge held the major annual event of electing a new Worshipful Master. It brought to an end of W. Bro Viv Carton’s second term as Worshipful Master.
He had a very busy year in which two candidates were initiated into Freemasonry. He hosted a Hog roast (Thanks to Den and Harlene Arden), Ladies Lunch and Ladies night.
Plus W.Bro Viv visited over 60, yes 60 lodges in the last year. At our regular meetings he often had 4 -6 guests for the festive board and has become a very popular Mason as well as promoting the good name of St Thomas.viv c

In his year over £1000 was raised for non masonic local charitys with £1000 going to his charity for the year St Loyes Foundation.

He now retires not only as Worshipful Master but in June he is retiring from working for the NHS running the Dialysis Department
We thank him for his commitment over the last year and wish him well for the future in Freemasonry as well as a long happy retirement.

Diary for 2015 St Thomas Lodge

Below is the Diary for this year at St Thomas Lodge. If anyone wishes to attend your very welcome. Please use contact page to inform the secretary.

There are always changes so please do come back often.

Most Mondays, for those involved there will be rehearsals which will either be held in Gandy Street or the  W. M house.

Check with WM for details.



Gp meeting to be held 6 30 pm 5th February

Lodge meeting 4 15 pm 11th February



G P meeting Thursday 5th March 6 30 pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 11th March 6 30 pm



G P meeting Thursday 2nd April 6 30 pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 8th April 6 30 pm



G P meeting Thursday 7th May 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 13th May  White table evening. Bring friends and potential candidates. More details to follow.


G P meeting Thursday 4th June 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 10th June


Cadogan Court fete. Details to follow



G P meeting Thursday 2nd July 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 8th July 6 30 pm


Annual Hog roast to be held again at Den Ardens farm. More details to follow

August   No meetings this month. Holiday month have a good time!


G P meeting Thursday 3rd September 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 9th September 6 30pm

2nd degree tracing board


G P meeting Thursday 8th October  6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 14th October 6 30 pm


Cadogan Court annual meeting details to follow



G P meeting Thursday 5th November 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 11th November 6 30 pm


Ladies Lunch details to follow


G P meeting Thursday 3rd December 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 9th December 6 30 pm

Christmas Lecture.

Christmas Lunch 18th December details to follow.

January 2016

G P meeting Thursday 7th January 6 30pm

Lodge meeting  Wednesday 13th January 6 30 pm

 Domestic night.

Summary of 2014 /15 for the Worshipful Master.

Worshipful Master Kevin Green has had a very successful and wonderful packed year as W.M.   kevin

In February 2014 he was installed as Master by W. Bro  Frank Lewis in a ceremony that, due to W.Bro Lewis’ high standard of ritual, went without one prompt.

In March the first of two candidates was initiated to a very high standard by the new W. Master as well as the supporting Brethren,

April saw the initiation of our second candidate and again a very high standard ritual was performed by all.

In May we had the First degree tracing board: well done to W Bro Gerald Sclater. (How do some brethren learn such long pieces?)

The Worship Master with the support of the Lodge’s Mentor, W. Bro Gary Hunter, organised a “White Table “ evening.

The idea being to hold a dinner for members and friends who may be interested in joining Freemasonry.

A very successful night; in particular many of the guests enjoyed a conducted tour of the Temple by W.Bro Mike Saffin, so much so that one of the guests is joining us in April.

In June the first candidate went through to become a Fellow Craft and what an excellent candidate he is. The ritual, including the full length 2nd Degree working tools.

July saw our second candidate become a Fellow Craft with the long version of the working tools done by W.Bro R Walsom, who is not known for his ritual, but nevertheless did a very good job in the recital of this difficult piece.

The Worshipful Master also had a Hog Roast to which nearly 100 people turned up to enjoy a freshly roasted Hog. All money raised went to Age Concern Dementia department which was over £100

We don’t meet in August and so in September when we met again we were treated to an explanation of the 2nd Degree tracing board.

October saw the first of two third degrees performed and on this occasion it was the short ending version which again the Brethren performed to a very high standard and should be very proud of the fact.

On the 18th October St Thomas Lodge had special dispensation to hold a meeting at Cadogan Court. This is a Masonic retirement home in Exeter. St Thomas has held a meeting here specially for the residents since 1986. The Brethren who reside here cannot get out and about like they used to so we go to them.

The Brethren received sad news in November that our second candidate had decided not to continue for personal reasons. So a regular visitor to our lodge offered to stand in. This was eagerly accepted as the Brethren had spent many hours rehearsing this long close 3rd degree. Its great when everything come together and the Brethren and Worshipful Master hardly had one prompt.

The Ladies lunch was held at the Langstone Cliff Hotel Dawlish where 60 brethren, wives and friends had a set meal which, as always, was very good. The Langstone is a great place to have functions for the day time or the evening. You never have to order your meal up front!!

December St Thomas has a lecture which all members of the lodge are invited to take part. It is a 7 year cycle and this year we had the first 3 sections of the First Lecture.

January is St Thomas Lodge’s domestic night where we ballot new members (2) and any other general business is conducted. Traditionally this meeting does not have any visitors

February is our big month of the year as a new Worshipful Master is installed into office.

The ceremony is mainly conducted by the outgoing Master.  W. Bro Kevin Green who has to learn 14 A4 sides of ritual, a mammoth piece by anyone’s standards. But as we have now come to expect W. Bro Green was just about word perfect and conducted the ceremony to a very high standard indeed.

The new Worship Master is W. Bro Viv Carton. He has been in the chair before and due to a gap has very kindly stepped in for this next year.

We wish him well and look forward to his program for the year.

St Thomas Lodge Visits in October

In October the Brethren did go to the following Lodges:

Worshipful Master went to Exeter school to attend Exonian Lodge


W.Bro Gary Hunter went to New Zealand and was a guest at Gregorys Lodge for a initiation.  gary in NZ gregory lodge


He also went to  Lodge in Spain supported by W.Bro Viv Carton and Bro.s Gerald Sclater and Den Arden. 10744669_10205085209995388_1665413114_n







Pictures taken at the recent Cadogan Court Fair.






Pictures of our well trained bar staff!!!!

Graham Thomas and Mike Parnell above and

below  The Bar Team with some wearing special T Shirts of St Thomas. Please see Tim Caldwell for your T Shirt.

Back row from left to right:

Rod Walsom, Graham Thomas, current Worshipful Master Kevin Green, Tim “Like my new trousers” Caldwell.

Front row Sean Thomas Gary Hunter


St Thomas Lodge Hog Roast


The third St Thomas Lodge Hog Roast took place at Dennis and Harlene Arden’s Farm on July 5th with over 100 people attending and the weather being fabulous, contradicting what was earlier forecast, a another great social night was held by St Thomas Lodge.

Every one enjoyed the freshly cooked pig with roast potatoes and salad followed by home made puddings by Harlene and her team (not for the slimmer I’m afraid but extremely yum!) then to top it all off a brilliant selection of cheese and biscuits. All of this needed something to wash it all down so local real ales, Avocet and Ferryman from Exeter Brewery, the St Thomas version of Pimms, wine and soft drinks were made available.

It is the third time that St Thomas lodge have had a Hog roast and it was so nice to see non St Thomas brethren and wives as well as non Masons enjoying themselves. We shall see if it is held again next year but I for one think it should

Yumm!!! Almost there!
Yumm!!! Almost there!

be held every month as the food was just absolutely fabulous!

The Worshipful Master of St Thomas, Kevin Green, thanked Dennis and Harlene for their hard work, for the use of their farm and for organising the food and to Rod Walsom Gary Hunter for organising the drinks, glasses and ticket sales and Tim Caldwell for the champagne draw, etc.

By the time everyone had gone and the clearing had finished Sunday had almost arrived but never the less a good time had by all.

Everyone was informed about St Thomas Lodge’s next social night which is at St Thomas Cricket Club for a skittles night on September 5th 2014.