Most years St Thomas Lodge has two initiations and this year was no exception. In March and in April the new candidates were welcomed into the world of Freemasonry and in particular the St Thomas Lodge.
The first ceremony was conducted by the Worshipful Master and the second was conducted by the Immediate Past Master Worshipful Brother Kevin Green. He asked the WM if he could perform the ceremony as he had proposed the candidate, who is a personal friend of his.
The new Charity Steward gave his maiden request for the Brethren to donate what they can afford to the Charity box so that when a request by a local charity arrived enough funds would be available to hopefully entertain their request.
In April we were honoured to have as a visitor W Bro D G Webber P Asst P G M
and a Fraternal visit from Miles Coverdale Lodge No 5069 who reside in Paignton.
When the Lodge was opened the WM asked the Brethren to stand and observe a minutes silence in remembrance of V W Bro John Annear P. G. Swd. B. Past Deputy P. G. M .who had passed to the Grand Lodge above.
Other news:
The annual Hog Roast has been confirmed and details will be sent out shortly.
In May at our monthly meeting there will be an Explanation of the 1st Degree Tracing Board.
The Worshipful Master has been visiting many lodges over the last couple of months representing St Thomas. Click here for details.