On the 14th January we held our domestic night. The Worshipful Master’s last complete meeting before the Installation of the new master in February.
The evening started by ahve a lodge photo. Many of the Brethren could not make it for this photo shoot which was a shame but the common reason being flu / bad colds etc it was nice to see the number who did come along.
The meeting proceeded with a ballot for two new candidates who were excepted by the Brethren of St Thomas. These new Brethren will be initiated in March and April 2015.
After the meeting the Brethren enjoyed a traditional mixed grill at the Festive Board. The Worshipful Master thanked every one who had supported and helped him during the previous year and wished W. Bro Viv Carton all the best for becoming WM next month.
He looked forward to see those who were coming to the Ladies night on 24th and there guests.
The Ladies night has sold out.