The third St Thomas Lodge Hog Roast took place at Dennis and Harlene Arden’s Farm on July 5th with over 100 people attending and the weather being fabulous, contradicting what was earlier forecast, a another great social night was held by St Thomas Lodge.
Every one enjoyed the freshly cooked pig with roast potatoes and salad followed by home made puddings by Harlene and her team (not for the slimmer I’m afraid but extremely yum!) then to top it all off a brilliant selection of cheese and biscuits. All of this needed something to wash it all down so local real ales, Avocet and Ferryman from Exeter Brewery, the St Thomas version of Pimms, wine and soft drinks were made available.
It is the third time that St Thomas lodge have had a Hog roast and it was so nice to see non St Thomas brethren and wives as well as non Masons enjoying themselves. We shall see if it is held again next year but I for one think it should

be held every month as the food was just absolutely fabulous!
The Worshipful Master of St Thomas, Kevin Green, thanked Dennis and Harlene for their hard work, for the use of their farm and for organising the food and to Rod Walsom Gary Hunter for organising the drinks, glasses and ticket sales and Tim Caldwell for the champagne draw, etc.
By the time everyone had gone and the clearing had finished Sunday had almost arrived but never the less a good time had by all.
Everyone was informed about St Thomas Lodge’s next social night which is at St Thomas Cricket Club for a skittles night on September 5th 2014.