Cadogan Court 18th October 2014
Every year for the last 25 years St Thomas lodge members hold a Extraordinary Lodge meeting at Cadogan Court for the Masons who are resident there. (See why it started )
This year was no exception and so with members of St Thomas Brethren plus 12 residents had a Extraordinary Lodge meeting.
For the first time Brethren from Cadogan Court took part,
WM Frank Wakeley from The Progressive Science Lodge 5007 Yeovil as Junior Warden and WB Norman Wilkins from the Vigilance Lodge 4952 Manchester as Senior Warden.
We were also privileged to have the Very Worshipful Brother P R Peter Gault Provincial Grand Master in attendance.
The Worshipful Master opened the lodge at 3pm and unfortunately had to start the proceedings by announcing that W Bro Malcolm Martin had gone to the Grand Lodge above. W Bro Martin had been in attendance every year since he had become a resident at Cadogan Court Road he was truly missed this year as I’m sure he will be at his Mother Lodge, Forest Lodge 1852 Nottingham.
WB Mike Saffin P.G.Std.B then proceeded to give us a lecture……or as he described it “A Observation of Freemasonry”
What a very interesting “Observation” it was and to sum up what he said he gave us the following poem which was written many years ago and found written in the plaster of an old Masonic Hall.
What then is Masonry?
If I could answer I believe it would say
I am rooted in the midst of great Antiquity and point to God and Eternity.
I am the Past the Present and the future
I belong to the ages, I circle the globe and I stand at the crosswords of the world.
I am steeped in tradition and traced in the pages of history;
I have rites and words which have beauty, symmetry and rhythm;
I have knowledge wisdom and secrets locked in my bosom which
I give to men who come to me desiring me in their hearts;
I place upon my alters Holy Writ and turn to the Deity in prayer;
I hold a Square and Compass in my hand and contemplate
a line from Earth to Heaven
I speculate with all the tools of operative Masons and
I translate their use into moral values and spiritual building
I await all free men of lawful age and good report but solicit none
I admit them of their own free will and accord and teach them Brotherhood and Unity.
I make builders of men of those who are willing and give them my tools that they may work;
I stoop to raise the fallen brethren and cast cut the unworthy;
I walk in the way of Charity and travel the road of Peace and Harmony
I render aid to the poor, the sick and the distressed;
I render the cry of the widow and sustain the orphan and the aged,
commit to the brethren who travel to that Undiscovered Country;
I ponder in that moment on the ravages of time as I stand at the doors of Eternity;
I am a Way of Life that teaches Immortality;
I raise men from Darkness to light.
After the meeting was closed the Brethren enjoyed a nice cup of tea with lovely cake (made by the Cadogan Chef) with the residents and Brethren of Cadogan Court.
WB Mike Saffin with W M Kevin Green
The Brethren of St Thomas were thanked by W Bro David Richards for taking the time to have this Extraordinary Lodge meeting at Cadogan Court and looked forward to seeing St Thomas lodge again next year. As we are!