Welcome back after the summer break. Unfortunately the great British weather during August has been predictably unpredictable but we hope the brethren have enjoyed the break regardless.
August is traditionally a quiet month but on 1st August the WM along with a number of St Thomas brethren made a fraternal visit to Fortescue Lodge, Honiton (No. 847). We witnessed a very well conducted first degree ceremony and had a most enjoyable meal at the festive board afterwards. Thanks to all at Fortescue Lodge for the warm welcome we received.
The next meeting of the General Purposes Committee will be held in Gandy Street at 6.30pm on Thursday, 7th September and this will be followed by a rehearsal. Our Lodge meeting on the 13th September will include an explanation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board.
In addition to our regular Lodge night in October we are also holding an extraordinary meeting at Cadogan Court on Saturday 14th October at 3pm. This meeting is always much appreciated by the brethren residing at Cadogan Court who are unable to attend regular lodge meetings so we hope this will be well attended by the St Thomas brethren.
Are you coming to this year’s curry night? This is being held in Gandy Street at 7.30pm on 15th September and we are hoping it will be as much of a success as last year’s event. Tickets are £15 each and are selling fast so please contact W Bro Rodney Walsom (rodneywalsom@gmail.com) to book your place. All welcome.
As a reminder we are holding a Ladies’ lunch at the Langstone Cliff Hotel at Dawlish Warren on 22nd October and Ladies’ Night at Reed Hall, Exeter University on 27th January. Further details of these two events will follow shortly.